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Support a Dedicated Bus Lane and Protected Bikeway on Hennepin Ave S

Tell the City You Want Both! This Redesign Should Set the Standard for Sustainable Streets in Minneapolis

The City of Minneapolis is reconstructing Hennepin Avenue South, a vibrant corridor where people live, work, and play. Both of the current options include dedicated bus lanes, which is great news! As the home of the future E Line BRT route, we need dedicated bus lanes on Hennepin Avenue.

But while both designs include bus lanes, only Design Option 1 follows key Minneapolis policies, providing high-quality transit facilities, walking space, and a protected bike lane. Would you take 3 minutes to fill out the Minneapolis survey and tell them that you support Design Option 1? You can use the suggested comments below to make it extra easy.

Unfortunately, Minneapolis is seriously considering Design Option 2, which doesn’t include a bike lane.

  • This makes it harder for people to access transit (and anything else!) by bike.
  • It undermines Minneapolis climate goals.
  • It conflicts with the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan, a key policy document passed in December, which says this corridor should have a bicycle facility.

Right now, opponents are pushing not just for a design without bike lanes, but to scrap the entire project. If Minneapolis moves forward with Design Option 2—or even worse, doesn’t move forward at all—it means that Minneapolis policy and planning becomes meaningless when faced with a small-but-vocal group of opposition.

Most big corridors in Minneapolis are owned by Hennepin County, but this one is controlled entirely by the City of Minneapolis. Hennepin Avenue South will set the standard for every project within Minneapolis moving forward, and we need to do it right. Tell Minneapolis that you support Design Option 1 and that Design Option 2 is not good enough.

The survey closes on Friday, April 16, and takes only a few minutes to complete. Here’s an example of what you can say to help make sure the City lives up to its sustainable transportation commitments! You can use these answers or write your own.


Survey question 5: There are two layout options being considered on Hennepin Avenue. What do you like about Option 1 (with bikeway on Hennepin Avenue)?

I support Option 1 and protected bike lanes! I ask the City to improve on this design by having dedicated bus lanes the entire length of the corridor, including between 29th Street and Lake Street. I also ask the City to explore removing the highway on/off ramps, and to explore additional pedestrian safety improvements at Lagoon Ave and Lake Street.

Survey question 6. What do you like about Option 2 (without bikeway on Hennepin Avenue)? What do you dislike?

I do not support Option 2. While the dedicated bus lane is fantastic, the lack of protected bike lanes will make it harder for people to access transit, and conflicts with key Minneapolis policies, including the Transportation Action Plan, the Climate Action Plan, and Vision Zero. The City should move forward now with Option 1–we need a dedicated bus lane AND a dedicated bike lane on Hennepin.