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Transit Advocates Secure Nation-Leading Wins at the State Capitol

Move Minnesota and allies are cheering major transit funding and policy wins at the State Capitol after years of persistent advocacy! The transportation bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature Sunday night includes some of the most substantial gains for public transit in more than a decade. Together they represent the transformative victory we’ve been working toward to protect our climate, connect our communities, and improve our daily lives.

Our Big Wins for an Amazing Transit System and a Better Future

Now officially signed by Governor Tim Walz, this historic new legislation (HF2887) will expand and improve transit service statewide. It is packed with the critical investments and policy changes Move Minnesota and our partners fought for, including:

A separate bonding bill passed this session provides an additional $72 million in dedicated one-time resources to build out F Line, G Line, and H Line bus rapid transit serving the Twin Cities metro. Thank you to Sen. Sandy Pappas and Rep. Fue Lee for getting that across the finish line!

We are so honored to have played a role in this historic session. Thanks to the scores of volunteers who repeatedly showed up at the capitol, and the hundreds of residents who made their voices heard through emails, calls, and town halls, state lawmakers heard us loud and clear and came through in a big way. This transportation bill will transform transit for Minnesota families and secure a more just and climate-resilient future for all of us.

Sam Rockwell
Executive Director, Move Minnesota & Move Minnesota Action

Why It Matters: Climate, Equity, Quality of Life—and Really Great Transit Service

These victories come at a critical time. Climate action has never been more urgent. Years of service cuts and underinvestment have taken a toll on regular transit riders and their ability to get where they need to go. A transportation system heavily based on fossil fuels and car ownership has compromised Minnesotans’ health, prosperity, and wellbeing, especially for many Black and brown families, people with lower incomes, and people with disabilities. Fortunately, with this year’s transportation bill, state lawmakers have seized a tremendous opportunity to put Minnesota on a different path.

This new and dedicated investment in public transit means we start to build a system that serves people like it should: with fast, frequent, and convenient bus service throughout the metro and important new connections statewide. It means we can have cleaner air, more affordable cities, and easier commutes. It means reducing climate pollution and embracing climate justice. It means better access to jobs, schools, grocery stores, healthcare, and visits with friends and family. It means a better future for Minnesotans of all ages, races, incomes, and abilities.

In the weeks to come, stay tuned for our deeper dives into these exciting policy and funding wins and their impact and potential here in Minnesota.

We Did This Together

Thank you to the many bus riders, advocates, volunteers, coalition partners, and elected allies who have fought alongside us to make these policy changes and investments in public transit possible! Thank you to our funder and donor community for sustaining our critical work on transit advocacy and movement building over the years. And special thanks to the Sierra Club North Star Chapter, 100% Campaign, ISAIAH, Rocky Mountain Institute, and the entire Transportation Forward coalition, and to tireless Senate and House Transportation Chairs Senator Scott Dibble and Representative Frank Hornstein, as well as critical bill authors Sen. Kelly Morrison, Rep. Larry Kraft, Rep. Sydney Jordan, Rep. Samantha Sencer-Mura, and Rep. Brad Tabke for championing this issue with us throughout the session.

Together we are creating a better future for our families, climate, and communities. Together we are making Minnesota a place where everyone can get around and everyone can thrive. We are proud to share today’s tremendous victory with you and we’re so excited to keep this progress coming with your continued partnership and support.

Celebrate with Us!

When we fight, we win. When we win, we celebrate! Join us May 25 to mark this major milestone for our change-making movement, the public transit we all deserve—and the just, joyful, and sustainable future we know is possible.

The Future of Transit
Post-Session Celebration with Advocates & Allies
Thursday, May 25
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Dual Citizen, Saint Paul
Hosted by Move Minnesota
RSVP to help us plan for a great event!