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Join Our Saint Paul Volunteer Team

Help make positive changes around transit, walking, biking, and rolling in your city!

Putting Our Love for Saint Paul into Action

We all care about the places we call home. When we come together, we can make our cities even better places to live, to get around, and to enjoy! Move Minnesota’s Saint Paul Volunteer Team is a growing community of local friends and neighbors who want to improve public transit, biking, walking, and rolling in Saint Paul and want to educate and support people moving through our city in sustainable ways. From monthly meetings and local advocacy to community outreach and group bike rides, we are stepping up to make a difference! There are lots of ways to help. No experience is necessary to join.

Monthly Meetings and Actions

The Saint Paul Volunteer Team typically meets at the Move Minnesota office on the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00-7:00 PM to work on city-specific actions. Join us to strategize, organize, socialize, and take action!

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Julie Johnson


Contact Julie Johnson, Senior Community Organizer, for more ways to get involved as an advocate or volunteer!